Mantra For finding good bride or groom (acha var pane ka upay)

If you are not able to find a good groom or bride for your daughter/son then start practicing this Mantra and it will help you to find the best one for your child. In many cases, it is said that the right person finds the practitioner itself.

“jaani gauri anukuul siya hiya harashi na jaai kahi

mahjul mangal muul baam anga farkan lage

“जानि गौरि अनुकूल सिय हिय हरषि न जाई कहि ।

मंजुल मंगल मूलि वाम अंग फरकन लगे ।।”


Meaning – When Goddess Sita felt that Great Mother Gauri is in her favour she became very happy and good omens started happening.