Maa Saraswati Mantra for study


Benefits of Saraswati Mantra

Regular chanting of Saraswati mantra improves speech, memory and concentration in studies. Saraswati mantra has the power to dispel ignorance and confusion and bestow intelligence to the chanter. Saraswati mantra makes learning easy and memory long lasting. Dedicated recitation of Saraswati Mantra can help a student pass his exams with flying colors and a job aspirant to clear his interview successfully. Even those aspiring to go in for higher studies and research work can benefit tremendously from regular Japa of Saraswati Mantra. Artists, poets, writers and public speakers can reach new heights of achievements with the help of Saraswati mantra.

Saraswati Dhyan Mantra

ॐ सरस्वती मया दृष्ट्वा, वीणा पुस्तक धारणीम् ।

हंस वाहिनी समायुक्ता मां विद्या दान करोतु में ॐ ।।

Om Saraswati Mayaa Drishtwa, Veena Pustak Dharnim |

Hans Vahini Samayuktaa Maa Vidya Daan Karotu Me Om ||

Saraswati Beej Mantra

ऐं ।

Aing |

Saraswati Mantra – 1

ॐ ऐं नमः |

Om Aing Namah ?

Saraswati Mantra – 2

ॐ ऐं क्लीं सौः |

Om Aing Kleeng Sauh |

Mahasaraswati Mantra

ॐ ऐं महासरस्वत्यै नमः |

Om Aing Mahasaraswatyai Namah |

Saraswati Mantra For Aquiring Knowledge

Recite this Saraswati Mantra one lakh times. By reciting this Saraswati Mantra one becomes famous by acquiring lot of knowledge.

वद वद वाग्वादिनी स्वाहा ।

Vad Vad Vaagwaadinee Swaha |

Saraswati Mantra For Enhancing Intelligence

Recite this Saraswati Mantra one lakh times. By reciting this Saraswati Mantra enhance intelligence, creativity and knowledge.

ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं वाग्देव्यै सरस्वत्यै नमः ।

Om Aing Hreeng Shreeng Vaagdevyai Saraswatyai Namah |

Saraswati Mantra For Wealth and Knowledge

Recite this Saraswati Mantra one lakh times. Recite this Saraswati Mantra for wealth and knowledge.

ॐ अर्हं मुख कमल वासिनी पापात्म क्षयम् कारी वद वद वाग्वादिनी सरस्वती ऐं ह्रीं नमः स्वाहा ।

Om Arham Mukha Kamal Vaasinee Paapaatma Kshayam Kaari Vad Vad

Vaagwaadinee Saraswati Aing Hreeng Namah Swaaha |


।।ॐ वाड्.मयायै नमः ।।

|| om Va__Mayayai Namah ||

UdumberYakshini Mantra

।।ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं शारदायै नमः ।।

।।ॐ ह्रीं ऐं ह्रीं सरस्वत्यै नमः ।।

।।ॐ ह्रीं वेद मातृभ्य: स्वाहा।।

||Om Hring Shring Sharadayai Namah ||

||Om Hring Aing Hring Saraswatyai Namah ||

||Om Hring Wed Matribhyah Swaha ||

Vidya Prad Gopal Mantra

।।ऐं क्लीन कृष्णाय ह्रीं गोविन्दाय श्रीं गोपीजन बल्लभाय स्वाहा सौ :।।

||Aing Kling Krishnay Hring Govinday Shring Gopijan Ballabhay Swaha Sauh||

Vidya Gopal Mantra

कृष्ण कृष्ण महाकृष्ण सर्वज्ञ त्वं प्रसीद में ।

रमा रमण विश्वेश ,विद्या माशु प्रयच्छ में ।।

Krishn Krishn MahaKrishn Sarvagya Tvam Praseed Me|

Rama Raman Vishvesh , Vidya Mashu Prayachchh Me ||